Industry 4Science

Industry 4Science

Industry 4Science
Focused on the connection between science and film. Industry 4Science sheds light on the new trends in scientific communication. It will feature screenings, discussions and pitching of future projects to reveal upcoming documentary gems, including experiments in nuclear fusion and the inspiring story of a palaeontologist Spielberg consulted while making Jurassic Park.
The Industry 4Science programme will take you behind the scenes of scientific research and new science communication techniques through film and new media. This year’s dramaturgy goes hand in hand with the leitmotif of memory. Discussions held as part of the traditional 4Science conference will address, for example, the importance of genes, individual and collective memory, the emergence of neural networks, and their impact on our minds. The conference will culminate with pitching film projects in development, presenting a wide range of topics. Among other things, you can look forward to the first nuclear fusion experiment, the destruction of the dogmas of dark matter physics, visions of a society free from dependence on fossil fuels, and the story of a Polish palaeontologist from whom Spielberg sought advice when filming Jurassic Park.