Is our universe running on Windows 95? Is gravity just the Earth expressing its love for other objects? Why does the curtain always rise towards you when you shower? And what was a submarine doing in the Morava River? The Hot Take programme section is a loose adaptation of Dan Schreiber’s The Theory of Everything Else and explores the thin line between the impossible and the hard to believe. For even in the world of science, it takes proper distance and time to identify the fine distinction between rationality and folly. The section offers unconventional views on ordinary things as well as conservative insights into the bizarre. We will take all inquisitive thinkers on a tour through the cosmos of science footnotes you have never realised you wanted to know.
Follow our social sites and explore our web to find out more about the programme. We will supply you with science dose by dose until the climax comes – AFO60.
Arts Centre of Palacký University
Academia Film Olomouc
Univerzitní 225/3
779 00 Olomouc
Czech Republic
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