Industry 4Science

Film professionals, scientists and enthusiasts – step behind the scenes of audiovisual science film production and explore its work-in-progress phases. How do stories shape our perception of science? How does collaboration transform our understanding? And how does field research reveal the complexities of the world?

Industry 4Science exposes the individual layers of scientific audiovisual production – from initial idea pitches to final edits. What does scientific work look like in unfamiliar conditions? Which groundbreaking experiments reshaped our fundamental understanding of reality? History shows that scientific mishaps often lead to major discoveries, and filmmakers capture these moments in compelling narratives. A key highlight is the pitching session at Camp 4Science, where new popular science films take their first steps – some of which will make it to AFO’s International Competition in the coming years. This year, we’re also launching Sparks 4Science, a unique pitching session where domestic scientists and academics present their research to content creators – podcasters, YouTubers, filmmakers, and journalists. Who knows? It might just spark the next great science documentary, article, or podcast, bringing cutting-edge research to a wider audience.