Sonya Pemberton is one of Australia’s leading factual television producers and she specialises in science. An Emmy Award-winner and record-breaking five-time winner of the prestigious Eureka Award for Science Journalism, her passion is quality science programming. Sonya Pemberton has written, directed, and produced over 60 hours of broadcast documentaries, and her films have won over 70 international awards. As a writer and director, she has created critically acclaimed and multi-award winning documentaries. In the section associated with the award for outstanding contribution to the communication of science, we will show two films that Sonya Pemberton has directed. The feature-length documentary Cracking COVID and Vitamania: The Sense and Nonsense of Vitamins. We also present the film that won the Student Jury Award at AFO57, the feature documentary Carbon – The Unauthorised Biography co-produced by Pemberton. Sonya Pemberton will give a behind-the-scenes look at her work at the Conference 4Science.
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Arts Centre of Palacký University
Academia Film Olomouc
Univerzitní 225/3
779 00 Olomouc
Czech Republic
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