Festival Tips #2: The second day of AFO is in the spirit of virtuality, music and short films.

24. 4. 2024

After the first busy festival day, five more days of fascinating popular science content await. What not to miss on the second day of the programme?

Throughout the festival, you can visit the VR Zone in the exclusive premises of the Red Church and choose from seven virtual reality projects. The diversely curated showcase offers, among others, a virtual journey through contemporary China, a recollection of the atomic test in the South Australian desert and a unique immersive, site-specific experience. If you want more, you can complement the VR experiences with a unique movie shot entirely in a video game. Knit’s Island was filmed by a trio of French filmmakers in the Czech video game Day Z. They explore local communities and why people escape into these virtual worlds. At the Metropol Cinema at 12:30 p.m.

Knit’s Island

One of them, the Under the Root block, will be screened from 10 a.m. in the Corpus Christi Chapel. This block features five films competing in the Short Film Competition, each offering a unique poetic perspective on exploring nature. At 2:30 p.m., the Film Hall will host a lecture by Pavel Pospěch. His talk, Urban and Rural – Social and Symbolic Boundaries, will delve into the still problematic dichotomy of living in villages and big cities. Explore what feeds this dichotomy and how it manifests in the digital world of today.

Another lecture starts at 6:30 p.m. at the Central Cinema (Museum of Art). Psychologist and neuroscientist Abigail Marsh will discuss 4 Myths about Altruism and 3 1/2 Answers. Questions about the nature and significance of human morality are ever-present, and research into the behaviour of specific individuals can shed some light on what drives people to help each other and how we could increase these patterns.

End the second day on a high note with our traditional music selection Music Is Science in the Geodome. The party starts at 8 p.m. with a performance by Manon Meurt from Rakovník, who will be showcasing their new album. At 9 p.m., they will hand over the stage to DŸSKO from Olomouc and their blend of techno, punk and post-disco. Wednesday’s music program will culminate with a set by DJ Kurzola, the uncrowned king of Olomouc Italian disco, at 10 p.m.


Identity: Urban and Rural – Social and Symbolic Boundaries is not english friendly. 

Information on whether a programme block is english friendly can be found on the program.afo.cz website.