Czecho&Slovak Competition

This section gives the spotlight to a wide selection of the best popular science documentaries the Czech Republic and Slovakia have to offer. The audience can look forward to a varied selection of topics, forms and styles.

“The competition selection takes into account the conclusions of systematic observation and examination of the world as well as the way in which the films can challenge the established and prevalent myths and stereotypes and how such stereotypes can negatively impress on the applied scientific approaches.” (Ondřej Kazík, Head of Programming). 

  • Návštěvníci (The Visitors, dir. Veronika Lišková, Czech Republic, 2022)
  • Neviditelné krajiny (Invisible Landscapes, dir. Ivo Bystřičan, Czech Republic, 2022)
  • Kronika orgasmu (The Chronicle of Orgasm, dir. Kateřina Kořínková, Czech Republic, 2022)
  • Hledání Bolestného Krista (Finding the Man of Sorrows, dir. Amálie Kovářová, Czech Republic, 2021)
  • Budiž voda! (Let There Be Water!, dir. Karel Žalud, Czech Republic, 2021)
  • Prales zítřka (Rainforest of Tomorrow, Michal Gálik, Czech Republic, 2022)
  • Do divočiny (Into the Wilderness, dir. David Brázda, Czech Republic, 2021)
  • Jeseníky – království horské divočiny (Jeseníky – the Kingdom of the Mountain Wilderness, dir. Marián Polák, Czech Republic, 2022)
  • Po nás potopa (After Us, the Flood, dir. Dorota Vlnová, Slovakia, 2022)
  • Eduard Štorch, lovec mamutů (Eduard Štorch, mammoth hunter, dir. Josef Císařovský, Czech Republic, 2022)
  • Lidi (Humans, dir. Kateř Tureček, Czech Republic, 2022)
  • Baron Artur Kraus (Baron Arthur Kraus, dir. Matouš Kotěra, Czech Republic, 2022)
  • Fantastická terapie (Fantastic Therapy, dir. Anna Rotreklová, Czech Republic, 2022)
  • Investigátori (Investigators, dir. Peter Pokorný, Slovakia, 2022)


Návštěvníci (The Visitors, r. Veronika Lišková, ČR, 2022)
Lidi (Humans, r. Kateř Tureček, ČR, 2022)